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Showing decisions from the last 12 months

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Showing 976 to 1000 of 1046
Date Registrant Profession Outcome/Status
31/01/2024 Adrian P Harding Physiotherapist Adjourned
31/01/2024 Ana Alonso-Vidal Physiotherapist Interim Suspension
30/01/2024 Miss Prina Karia Hearing aid dispenser Struck off
30/01/2024 James Clacher Dietitian Interim Suspension
30/01/2024 David Bridge Paramedic Interim Suspension
29/01/2024 Christopher Gyiripah Radiographer Adjourned
29/01/2024 Ruth Lambert Paramedic Struck off
29/01/2024 Mr Robert A Senior Chiropodist / podiatrist Interim Conditions of Practice
29/01/2024 Mr Craig Carnell Paramedic Interim Suspension
29/01/2024 Francois Marion Jurado Radiographer Interim Suspension
26/01/2024 Kumarini Fonseka Biomedical scientist Struck off
26/01/2024 Sharon J Byrne Occupational therapist Interim Conditions of Practice
26/01/2024 Kim Barnes Occupational therapist Adjourned
26/01/2024 Denisse M Da Silva Occupational therapist Interim Suspension
25/01/2024 Iona Lawrie Paramedic Interim Conditions of Practice
25/01/2024 Scott Cameron Dickens Operating department practitioner Adjourned
24/01/2024 Mr Paul S Parsons Paramedic Interim Conditions of Practice
24/01/2024 Kelly L Madden Biomedical scientist Suspended
24/01/2024 Jack Demetriou Physiotherapist Interim Suspension
24/01/2024 Robert M Williams Physiotherapist Interim Suspension
24/01/2024 Miss Jane Hazell Radiographer Adjourned
23/01/2024 Joss Armstrong Physiotherapist Interim Suspension
23/01/2024 Simon David Drew Paramedic Struck off
22/01/2024 Mr Oluwafemi Tanimowo Radiographer Interim Suspension
22/01/2024 Mr Michael Ginnever Radiographer Interim Conditions of Practice
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