Matthew Lane

Profession: Biomedical scientist

Registration Number: BS39266

Hearing Type: Final Hearing

Date and Time of hearing: 10:00 16/01/2025 End: 17:00 21/02/2025

Location: Via Video Conference

Panel: Conduct and Competence Committee
Outcome: Adjourned part heard

Please note that the decision can take up to 5 working days to be uploaded onto the HCPTS website. Please contact one of our Hearings Team Managers via or +44 (0)808 164 3084 if you require any further information.



As a registered Biomedical Scientist (BS39266) your fitness to practise is impaired by reason of misconduct and/or lack of competence. In that:

1. You did not respond appropriately to reasonable management requests, in that:

a) In or around September and October 2018 you refused to undertake an appraisal as required by your employer.
b) Between December 2017 and 16 November 2018 you did not complete the competency assessment (Urinary Drug screening / Opiate / Amphetamine)
c) In September 2018 you did not log the Internal Quality Control results for the 2 extra analytes performed on forensic urinary samples.

2. You made inappropriate comments about and/or to staff, in that:

a) On 22 February 2019 you incorrectly stated that Person A had a history of gross misconduct.
b) On 17 April 2018 you were aggressive and intimidating with Person B during a meeting.

3. You demonstrated inappropriate behaviour towards staff members, in that:

a) On or around 13 November 2015 you sent an email which was of a threatening nature to Person C.
b) On or around 10 March 2016 you acted in an aggressive manner by throwing papers at a colleague and throwing a computer mouse into a computer screen.
c) On or around 22 February 2017 you sent an email to Person D which was unprofessional and discourteous.
d) On or around 8 October 2018 you sent a letter to Person B which was unprofessional and discourteous.

4. On or around 28 November 2011 you called Person E “fat” and a “lesbian” and produced a lab coat with “lesbian” embroidered on it for her.

5. You were responsible for a number of incidents in the Clinical Biochemistry Lab which are as follows:

a) On or around 19/04/2011 you did not process samples correctly.
b) On or around 28/07/2011 you did not follow the correct telephone policy in that you did not take a name when reporting urgent results.
c) On or around 28/07/2011 you did not phone through a result as per the phone policy.
d) On or around 15/09/2011 you incorrectly labelled samples which meant results were assigned to the wrong patient.
e) On or around 02/04/2012 you incorrectly reported a result of a 24 hour urine crystine result.
f) On or around 07/04/2012 you did not correctly follow the QC policy.
g) On or around 08/05/2012 you incorrectly interpreted a Xanthochromia request.
h) On or around 19/09/2012 you incorrectly reported a negative reading for two drug users on Methadone.
i) On or around 11/10/2012 you froze a sample without taking the plasma off making it unusable.
j) On or around 12/01/2013 you downloaded a wrong lot of ISE low on F1.
k) On or around 18/09/2015 you transmitted a sample to INET with a low internal standard and did not reanalyse this as per policy.
l) On or around 17/08/2016 you incorrectly communicated Biochem results to Willow Surgery.
m) On 15/05/2018 you analysed samples using incorrect positions on Quattro.
n) On or around 13/06/2018 you started up a system knowing the ballast on the oil pump was still open causing hot oil to be spilled.
o) On or around 22/06/2018 you provided a report for the incorrect patient.
p) On or around 10/07/2018 you set up an MMA assay with a 1000 std when this only had a top std of 500.
q) On or around 10/07/2018 you booked a sample for a carbamazepine test when this should have been booked for phenobarbitone analysis.
r) Between 28/09/2018 and 27/11/2018 you stored a sample in a reagent fridge instead of a sample fridge which was incorrect.
s) In 2018 you registered a patient on Winpath with the incorrect date of birth.

6. The matters described in particulars 1-4 constitute misconduct.

7. The matters as described in particular 5 constitute lack of competence and/or misconduct.

8. By reason of your misconduct and/or lack of competence your fitness to practise is impaired.


No information currently available


This hearing adjourned, part heard. The date for the reconvened hearing is to be confirmed.


ORDER: The Registrar is directed to suspend the name of Matthew Lane from the Register on an interim basis for a period of 12 months.

This order will be reviewed by the Committee no later than 21 August 2025 or earlier if new evidence which is relevant to the Order becomes available after it was made.


Hearing History

History of Hearings for Matthew Lane

Date Panel Hearing type Outcomes / Status
16/01/2025 Conduct and Competence Committee Final Hearing Adjourned part heard
04/03/2024 Conduct and Competence Committee Final Hearing Adjourned