Mr Sajjad Ahmed
Please note that the decision can take up to 5 working days to be uploaded onto the HCPTS website. Please contact one of our Hearings Team Managers via tsteam@hcpts-uk.org or +44 (0)808 164 3084 if you require any further information.
The following allegation was considered by a panel of the Health Committee at a Final Hearing on 26-28 July 2021:
As a registered Operating Department Practitioner (ODP36735) your fitness to practise is impaired by reason of a health condition. In that:
1. …
2. …
3. …
4. You have a physical and or/ mental health condition as set out in Schedule A.
5. By reason of your … health your fitness to practise is impaired.
1. [redacted]
2. [redacted]
Application for the hearing to be held in private
1. Ms Sampson on behalf of the HCPC applied for the hearing to be held in private to protect the private life of the Registrant as matters relating to the health of the Registrant would be referred to.
2. The Panel was referred to the HCPTS Practice Note on ‘Conducting Hearings in Private’, which states that as a general rule hearings are to be in public in accordance with the ‘open justice’ principle. However, in certain circumstances it is in the interests of justice for the hearing to take place wholly or partially in private to protect the private life of the Registrant where matters relating to health and / or private life are to be referred to.
3. The Panel noted that previous hearings had been held in private and considered the representations made. The Panel determined that it was appropriate for the hearing
ORDER: The Registrar is directed to annotate the HCPC Register to show that, for a period of 18 months from the date this Order takes effect, you, Mr Sajjad Ahmed must comply with the following conditions of practice:
1. You must register with and remain under the care of a general practitioner.
2. You must inform your general practitioner that you are subject to these conditions of practice and authorise that person to provide the HCPC with information about your health and any treatment you are receiving.
3. You must keep your professional commitments under review and limit your professional practice in accordance with the advice of your general practitioner or any treating therapist or any other medical professional.
4. You must cease practising immediately if you are advised to do so by your general practitioner or any treating therapist or any other medical professional.
5. [Redacted].
6. [Redacted].
7. You must promptly inform the HCPC if you take up any employment as a registered ODP.
8. You must promptly inform the HCPC of any disciplinary proceedings taken against you by your employer.
9. You must inform the following parties that your registration is subject to these conditions:
A. any organisation or person employing or contracting with you to undertake professional work;
B. any agency you are registered with or apply to be registered with (at the time of application); and
C. any prospective employer (at the time of your application).
10. You will be responsible for meeting any and all costs associated with complying with these conditions [redacted].
11. Prior to the next review you must undertake research into the HCPC ‘Return to Practice’ procedure and provide evidence of what steps you have taken to update your professional knowledge and skills, and any CPD you have undertaken, and provide this evidence to the HCPC at least 28 days prior to the next review.
The Order imposed today will apply from 25 August 2024.
This Order will be reviewed again before its expiry on 25 February 2026.
Hearing History
History of Hearings for Mr Sajjad Ahmed
Date | Panel | Hearing type | Outcomes / Status |
25/07/2024 | Health Committee | Review Hearing | Conditions of Practice |
28/07/2022 | Health Committee | Review Hearing | Conditions of Practice |
26/07/2021 | Health Committee | Final Hearing | Suspended |