Laval Robert Antoine
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As a registered Operational Department Practioner (ODP11446):
1.Between 28 April 2014 and 9 May 2014 or thereabouts, while you were in theatre:
a) you slapped a scrub nurse on her bottom,
b) during a procedure involving a female patient who was under anaesthetic, you:
i. said “she does not need to be covered as she’s asleep so no need to respect privacy and dignity” or words to that effect when Colleague C attempted to cover the patient’s genitalia, and
ii. inappropriately referred to the patient’s genitalia.
c) during a procedure involving a male adolescent who was under anaesthetic, you said “he does not need to be covered up as he was asleep there was no need for it”, or words to that effect, when a colleague attempted to cover the patient’s genitalia.
2.On or around 19 May 2014, made inappropriate physical contact with Colleague A during a shift, in that you:
a) slapped her on the bottom,
b) hugged her from the side and attempted to move your hand towards her bottom, and:
c) placed your hand on her inner thigh.
3.On or around 19 May 2014, made inappropriate verbal comments to Colleague A in that you:
a) said “you can deny it all you like but when you leave here you know you were up for it” or words to that effect, and:
b) responded to Colleague A’s expressed disapproval of your remark that she was sexy by saying “fine then you make me *****”, or words to that effect.
4.On or around 20 May 2014, said to Colleague A “I’m on my knees why don’t you come join me”, or words to that effect, when she had requested a mentor comment from you for her portfolio.
5.Between 1 May 2014 and 23 May 2014 or thereabouts, you made inappropriate physical contact with Colleague B in that you:
a) took her hand, and
b) wrote a telephone number on her hand.
6.Between 1 May 2014 and 23 May 2014 or thereabouts, you made inappropriate verbal comments to Colleague B in that you said to her:
a) “come home with me” or words to that effect,
b) “you got me into trouble“ and “I slapped someone’s bum thinking it was you” or words to that effect,
c) “you smell nice” or words to that effect,
d) “why did I give you my number if you’re not going to do anything with it” or words to that effect, and
e) “sorry, I’m not into doing a threesome” and/or “who is better, me or your boyfriend?” or words to that effect when Colleague B informed you that she had a boyfriend.
7.Your actions in paragraphs 1 to 6 were sexually motivated.
8. Your actions in paragraphs 1 to 7 constitute misconduct.
9.By reason of your misconduct your fitness to practise is impaired.
No information currently available
No information currently available
This hearing has adjourned, with no evidence heard.
Hearing History
History of Hearings for Laval Robert Antoine
Date | Panel | Hearing type | Outcomes / Status |
14/08/2024 | Conduct and Competence Committee | Restoration Hearing | Adjourned |