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Upcoming hearings


We publish cases four weeks before the date of the hearing. When the panel announces its decision the reasons are published online.

Showing 1 to 25 of 28
Date Registrant Profession Outcome/Status
06/01/2025 James L Blowman Paramedic Hearing has not yet been held
06/01/2025 Daniel Morrison Paramedic Hearing has not yet been held
06/01/2025 Mohammed F Siddiqui Radiographer Hearing has not yet been held
06/01/2025 John Durrand Paramedic Hearing has not yet been held
07/01/2025 Mr Rainer Morgan-Kavanaugh Paramedic Hearing has not yet been held
07/01/2025 Nicole Roberts Occupational therapist Hearing has not yet been held
07/01/2025 Denisse M Da Silva Occupational therapist Hearing has not yet been held
07/01/2025 Henry O Chinye Radiographer Hearing has not yet been held
08/01/2025 Randall Egger Occupational therapist Hearing has not yet been held
08/01/2025 Aleena Tahir Physiotherapist Hearing has not yet been held
08/01/2025 Randall Egger Occupational therapist Hearing has not yet been held
08/01/2025 Keith Roper-Hitches Paramedic Hearing has not yet been held
09/01/2025 Matthew P F Line Biomedical scientist Hearing has not yet been held
10/01/2025 Mr Matthew Richard Lawley Occupational therapist Hearing has not yet been held
13/01/2025 Kenneth Williams Paramedic Hearing has not yet been held
13/01/2025 Farhad Ahmad Physiotherapist Hearing has not yet been held
13/01/2025 Christopher Beal Paramedic Hearing has not yet been held
13/01/2025 Blessan T Philips Operating department practitioner Hearing has not yet been held
13/01/2025 Michal J Grzywacz Physiotherapist Hearing has not yet been held
13/01/2025 Christopher Beal Paramedic Hearing has not yet been held
13/01/2025 Stephen Chance-Hyett Paramedic Hearing has not yet been held
15/01/2025 Muhammad Fahim Physiotherapist Hearing has not yet been held
16/01/2025 Matthew Lane Biomedical scientist Hearing has not yet been held
16/01/2025 Matthew Lane Biomedical scientist Hearing has not yet been held
17/01/2025 Johannes M Delport Physiotherapist Hearing has not yet been held
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