Miss Clara Clyd Cosning

Profession: Physiotherapist

Registration Number: PH120128

Interim Order: Imposed on 25 Hyd 2022

Hearing Type: Interim Order Review

Date and Time of hearing: 10:00 18/04/2023 End: 17:00 18/04/2023

Location: This hearing is being held remotely.

Panel: Investigating Committee
Outcome: Interim Conditions of Practice

Please note that the decision can take up to 5 working days to be uploaded onto the HCPTS website. Please contact one of our Hearings Team Managers via tsteam@hcpts-uk.org or +44 (0)808 164 3084 if you require any further information.



No information currently available


No information currently available


ORDER: The Interim Suspension Order imposed on 25 October 2022 is replaced by the following Interim Conditions of Practice Order:
1. You must not assess or treat any male patients without a chaperone being present throughout. A record of all sessions with male patients should be maintained and it should be countersigned on each occasion by the chaperone.
2. You must confine your professional practice to a work setting where you are not the sole practitioner.
3. You must ensure that you obtain informed consent for all manual therapy from all male patients whom you treat. Their consent must be documented in your case record.
4. You must place yourself under the supervision of an HCPC registered physiotherapist and supply details of the identity of that supervisor to the HCPC within 2 weeks of taking up any employment as a physiotherapist.
5. You must meet with your supervisor on at least a monthly basis.
6. You must provide documentary evidence for forthcoming review panels demonstrating compliance with conditions 1-5.
7. You must inform the following parties that your registration is subject to these conditions:
A. any organisation or person employing or contracting with you to undertake professional work;
B. any agency you are registered with or apply to be registered with (at the time of application); and
C. any prospective employer (at the time of your application).


This order will be reviewed by the Committee no later than 18 July 2023 or earlier if new evidence which is relevant to the Order becomes available after it was made.


Hearing History

History of Hearings for Miss Clara Clyd Cosning

Date Panel Hearing type Outcomes / Status
29/07/2024 Investigating Committee Interim Order Review Interim Conditions of Practice
31/01/2024 Investigating Committee Interim Order Review Interim Conditions of Practice
26/10/2023 Investigating Committee Interim Order Review Interim Conditions of Practice
15/09/2023 Investigating Committee Interim Order Review Adjourned
19/07/2023 Investigating Committee Interim Order Review Interim Suspension
18/04/2023 Investigating Committee Interim Order Review Interim Conditions of Practice
25/10/2022 Investigating Committee Interim Order Application Interim Suspension